9  Candlestick Charts, Revisited

We have previously studied how to create candlestick charts using OHLC data. We can do this with tabular data as well.

Converting OHLC data to DataFrame object:

from pandas import DataFrame

ohlc_data = [
    {"date": "2030-03-16", "open": 236.2800, "high": 240.0550, "low": 235.9400, "close": 237.7100, "volume": 28092196},
    {"date": "2030-03-15", "open": 234.9600, "high": 235.1850, "low": 231.8100, "close": 234.8100, "volume": 26042669},
    {"date": "2030-03-12", "open": 234.0100, "high": 235.8200, "low": 233.2300, "close": 235.7500, "volume": 22653662},
    {"date": "2030-03-11", "open": 234.9600, "high": 239.1700, "low": 234.3100, "close": 237.1300, "volume": 29907586},
    {"date": "2030-03-10", "open": 237.0000, "high": 237.0000, "low": 232.0400, "close": 232.4200, "volume": 29746812}
df = DataFrame(ohlc_data)
date open high low close volume
0 2030-03-16 236.28 240.055 235.94 237.71 28092196
1 2030-03-15 234.96 235.185 231.81 234.81 26042669
2 2030-03-12 234.01 235.820 233.23 235.75 22653662
3 2030-03-11 234.96 239.170 234.31 237.13 29907586
4 2030-03-10 237.00 237.000 232.04 232.42 29746812

Because the Candlestick class comes from the Graph Objects sub-library, instead of passing the DataFrame object, we pass the columns directly:

from plotly.graph_objects import Figure, Candlestick

stick = Candlestick(x=df["date"],

fig = Figure(data=[stick])
fig.update_layout(title="Example Candlestick Chart")