1  Obtaining DataFrames

The pandas package provides a super-charged datatype called the DataFrame, which represents tabular, spreadsheet-style data with rows and columns.

We can obtain a DataFrame object by either reading a CSV file, or by constructing one ourselves.

1.1 Reading CSV Files

If we have data files in tabular format (for example in CSV format, or XLS / XLSX format), we can use the read_csv function, or read_excel function, respectively, to convert that data into a DataFrame object. Here we will focus primarily on CSV files.

We can use these functions to read files saved locally, as well as hosted on the Internet.

1.1.1 Local Files

In terms of reading local files, the file needs to be in the same location as the Python code.

For example, in the Colab Filesystem, there is a CSV file called “california_housing_train.csv” in the “sample_data” directory:

Example CSV file in the Colab Filesystem

To read this file, we pass the relative filepath as a parameter to the read_csv function:

from pandas import read_csv

csv_filepath = "sample_data/california_housing_train.csv"

df = read_csv(csv_filepath)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income median_house_value
0 -114.31 34.19 15.0 5612.0 1283.0 1015.0 472.0 1.4936 66900.0
1 -114.47 34.40 19.0 7650.0 1901.0 1129.0 463.0 1.8200 80100.0
2 -114.56 33.69 17.0 720.0 174.0 333.0 117.0 1.6509 85700.0
3 -114.57 33.64 14.0 1501.0 337.0 515.0 226.0 3.1917 73400.0
4 -114.57 33.57 20.0 1454.0 326.0 624.0 262.0 1.9250 65500.0

1.1.2 Hosted Files

In terms of CSV formatted data hosted on the Internet, we note the URL of the hosted file, and pass it to the read_csv function:

from pandas import read_csv

request_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prof-rossetti/intro-to-python/main/data/daily_adjusted_nflx.csv"

df = read_csv(request_url)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
timestamp open high low close adjusted_close volume dividend_amount split_coefficient
0 2021-10-18 632.1000 638.4100 620.5901 637.97 637.97 4669071 0.0 1.0
1 2021-10-15 638.0000 639.4200 625.1600 628.29 628.29 4116874 0.0 1.0
2 2021-10-14 632.2300 636.8800 626.7900 633.80 633.80 2672535 0.0 1.0
3 2021-10-13 632.1791 632.1791 622.1000 629.76 629.76 2424638 0.0 1.0
4 2021-10-12 633.0200 637.6550 621.9900 624.94 624.94 3227349 0.0 1.0

1.2 Constructing DataFrames

We can also construct our own DataFrame objects.

If we have Python data in an eligible format (list of lists, list of dictionaries, dictionary of lists), we can pass that data to the DataFrame class constructor to obtain a DataFrame object back.

1.2.1 List of Lists

Here, we are constructing a DataFrame from a list of lists:

from pandas import DataFrame

# list of lists:
prices = [
    ["2020-10-01", 100.00],
    ["2020-10-02", 101.01],
    ["2020-10-03", 120.20],
    ["2020-10-04", 107.07],
    ["2020-10-05", 142.42],
    ["2020-10-06", 135.35],
    ["2020-10-07", 160.60],
    ["2020-10-08", 162.62],

df = DataFrame(prices, columns=["date", "stock_price_usd"])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
date stock_price_usd
0 2020-10-01 100.00
1 2020-10-02 101.01
2 2020-10-03 120.20
3 2020-10-04 107.07
4 2020-10-05 142.42

In this case we wind up with a row for each item in the outer list, and a column for each value in the inner list.

Because the lists don’t have column names, we supply those separately, using the columns parameter.

1.2.2 List of Dictionaries

Here, we are constructing a DataFrame from a list of dictionaries (i.e. “records” format), which is a very common and usable format:

from pandas import DataFrame

# "records" format (list of dicts):
prices = [
    {"date": "2020-10-01", "stock_price_usd": 100.00},
    {"date": "2020-10-02", "stock_price_usd": 101.01},
    {"date": "2020-10-03", "stock_price_usd": 120.20},
    {"date": "2020-10-04", "stock_price_usd": 107.07},
    {"date": "2020-10-05", "stock_price_usd": 142.42},
    {"date": "2020-10-06", "stock_price_usd": 135.35},
    {"date": "2020-10-07", "stock_price_usd": 160.60},
    {"date": "2020-10-08", "stock_price_usd": 162.62},

df = DataFrame(prices)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
date stock_price_usd
0 2020-10-01 100.00
1 2020-10-02 101.01
2 2020-10-03 120.20
3 2020-10-04 107.07
4 2020-10-05 142.42

In this case we wind up with a row for each dictionary in the list, and the dictionary keys become the column names.

1.2.3 Dictionary of Lists

In this final example, we are constructing a DataFrame from a dictionary of lists:

from pandas import DataFrame

# dict of lists:
prices = {
    "date": ["2020-10-01", "2020-10-02", "2020-10-03", "2020-10-04","2020-10-05", "2020-10-06", "2020-10-07", "2020-10-08"],
    "stock_price_usd": [100.00, 101.01, 120.20, 107.07, 142.42, 135.35, 160.60, 162.62]

df = DataFrame(prices)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
date stock_price_usd
0 2020-10-01 100.00
1 2020-10-02 101.01
2 2020-10-03 120.20
3 2020-10-04 107.07
4 2020-10-05 142.42

In this case, the dictionary’s keys become column names that describe the corresponding list of values in that column.