9  Regression for Time Series Forecasting (with sklearn)

Let’s explore an example of how to use regression to perform trend analysis with time series data.

9.1 Data Loading

As an example time series dataset, let’s consider this dataset of U.S. population over time, from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED).

Fetching the data, going back as far as possible:

from pandas_datareader import get_data_fred

df = get_data_fred(DATASET_NAME, start="1900-01-01")
1959-01-01 175818.0
1959-02-01 176044.0
1959-03-01 176274.0
... ...
2024-08-01 337185.0
2024-09-01 337362.0
2024-10-01 337521.0

790 rows × 1 columns

Data Source

Here is some more information about the “POPTHM” dataset:

“Population includes resident population plus armed forces overseas. The monthly estimate is the average of estimates for the first of the month and the first of the following month.”

The data is expressed in “Thousands”, and is “Not Seasonally Adjusted”.

Wrangling the data, including renaming columns and converting the date index to be datetime-aware, may make it easier for us to work with this data:

from pandas import to_datetime

df.rename(columns={DATASET_NAME: "population"}, inplace=True)
df.index.name = "date"
df.index = to_datetime(df.index)
1959-01-01 175818.0
1959-02-01 176044.0
1959-03-01 176274.0
... ...
2024-08-01 337185.0
2024-09-01 337362.0
2024-10-01 337521.0

790 rows × 1 columns

9.2 Data Exploration

Exploring trends:

import plotly.express as px

px.scatter(df, y="population", title="US Population (Monthly) vs Trend",
            labels={"population":"US Population (thousands)", "value":""},
            trendline="ols", trendline_color_override="red", height=350,

Looks like a possible linear trend. Let’s perform a more formal regression analysis.

9.3 Data Encoding

Because we need numeric features to perform a regression, we convert the dates to a linear time step of integers (after sorting the data first for good measure):

df.sort_values(by="date", ascending=True, inplace=True)

df["time_step"] = range(1, len(df) + 1)
population time_step
1959-01-01 175818.0 1
1959-02-01 176044.0 2
1959-03-01 176274.0 3
... ... ...
2024-08-01 337185.0 788
2024-09-01 337362.0 789
2024-10-01 337521.0 790

790 rows × 2 columns

We will use the numeric time step as our input variable (x), to predict the population (y).

9.4 Data Splitting

9.4.1 X/Y Split

Identifying dependent and independent variables:

#x = df[["date"]] # we need numbers not strings
x = df[["time_step"]]

y = df["population"]

print("X:", x.shape)
print("Y:", y.shape)
X: (790, 1)
Y: (790,)

9.4.2 Train/Test Split

Splitting data sequentially, where earlier data is used in training, and recent data is used for testing:


training_size = round(len(df) * .8)

x_train = x.iloc[:training_size] # slice all before
y_train = y.iloc[:training_size] # slice all before

x_test = x.iloc[training_size:] # slice all after
y_test = y.iloc[training_size:] # slice all after
print("TRAIN:", x_train.shape)
print("TEST:", x_test.shape)
TRAIN: (632, 1)
TEST: (158, 1)

9.5 Model Selection and Training

Training a linear regression model on the training data:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

model = LinearRegression()

model.fit(x_train, y_train)
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After training, we have access to the learned weights, as well as the line of best fit (i.e. the trend line):

print("COEFS:", model.coef_)
print("INTERCEPT:", model.intercept_)
print(f"y = {model.coef_[0].round(3)}x + {model.intercept_.round(3)}")
COEFS: [212.91919783]
INTERCEPT: 174567.48844510422
y = 212.919x + 174567.488

In this case, we interpret the line of best fit to observe how much the population is expected to grow on average per time step, as well as the population trend value at the earliest time step.


Remember in this dataset the population is expressed in thousands.

9.6 Model Prediction and Evaluation

We use the trained model to make predictions on the test set, and then calculate regression metrics to see how well the model is doing:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

y_pred = model.predict(x_test)

mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("MSE:", round(mse, 4))

r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
print("R2:", round(r2, 4))
MSE: 9277525.24
R2: 0.8146

A very high r-squared value represents a strong linear trend.

Plotting predictions (trend line):

df["prediction"] = model.predict(df[["time_step"]])
df["error"] = df["population"] - df["prediction"]

px.line(df, y=["population", "prediction"], height=350,
    title="US Population (Monthly) vs Regression Predictions (Trend)",

9.7 Forecasting

Assembling a dataset of future dates and time steps (which we can use as inputs to the trained model to make predictions about the future):

from pandas import date_range, DateOffset, DataFrame

last_time_step = df['time_step'].iloc[-1]
last_date = df.index[-1]
next_date = last_date + DateOffset(months=1)

# frequency of "M" for end of month, "MS" for beginning of month
future_dates = date_range(start=next_date, periods=FUTURE_MONTHS, freq='MS')
future_time_steps = range(last_time_step + 1, last_time_step + FUTURE_MONTHS + 1)

df_future = DataFrame({'time_step': future_time_steps}, index=future_dates)
df_future.index.name = "date"
2024-11-01 791
2024-12-01 792
2025-01-01 793
... ...
2027-08-01 824
2027-09-01 825
2027-10-01 826

36 rows × 1 columns

Predicting future values:

df_future["prediction"] = model.predict(df_future[["time_step"]])
time_step prediction
2024-11-01 791 342986.573925
2024-12-01 792 343199.493123
2025-01-01 793 343412.412321
... ... ...
2027-08-01 824 350012.907454
2027-09-01 825 350225.826651
2027-10-01 826 350438.745849

36 rows × 2 columns

Concatenating historical data with future data:

from pandas import concat

chart_df = concat([df, df_future])
population time_step prediction error
1959-01-01 175818.0 1 174780.407643 1037.592357
1959-02-01 176044.0 2 174993.326841 1050.673159
1959-03-01 176274.0 3 175206.246039 1067.753961
... ... ... ... ...
2027-08-01 NaN 824 350012.907454 NaN
2027-09-01 NaN 825 350225.826651 NaN
2027-10-01 NaN 826 350438.745849 NaN

826 rows × 4 columns


The population and error values for future dates are null, because we don’t know them yet. Although we are able to make predictions about these values, based on historical trends.

Plotting trend vs actual, with future predictions:

px.line(chart_df[-180:], y=["population", "prediction"], height=350,
    title="US Population (Monthly) vs Regression Predictions (Trend)",