Data Scaling

Data scaling is a process that adjusts a data set to improve its informational content and conform to specific requirements. It’s also known as feature scaling or data normalization.

To illustrate the motivations behind data scaling, let’s revisit our familiar dataset of economic indicators:

from pandas import read_csv

df = read_csv("")
timestamp cpi fed spy gld
0 2024-05-01 314.069 5.33 525.6718 215.30
1 2024-04-01 313.548 5.33 500.3636 211.87
2 2024-03-01 312.332 5.33 521.3857 205.72
3 2024-02-01 310.326 5.33 504.8645 189.31
4 2024-01-01 308.417 5.33 479.8240 188.45
print(df["timestamp"].min(), "...", df["timestamp"].max())
2004-12-01 ... 2024-05-01

When we plot this data on a graph, we are not able to see the movement of the federal funds rate, because its scale is so much smaller than the other indicators:

import as px

chart_df = df.copy()
chart_df.index = df["timestamp"]
chart_df.drop(columns=["timestamp"], inplace=True)

px.line(chart_df, y=["cpi", "fed", "spy", "gld"],
        title="Financial indicators over time (unscaled)"

Let’s fix this by scaling the data.

Scaling the data will make it easier to plot all these different series on a graph, so we can start to get a sense of how their movements might correlate (in an unofficial way).

Min-Max Scaling

One scaling approach is by dividing each value over the maximum value in that column, essentially expressing each value as a percentage of the greatest value.

scaled_df = df.copy()
scaled_df.index = df["timestamp"]
scaled_df.drop(columns=["timestamp"], inplace=True)

# dividing each value by that column's maximum value
scaled_df = scaled_df / scaled_df.max()

px.line(scaled_df, y=["cpi", "fed", "spy", "gld"],
        title="Financial indicators over time (min-max scaled)"

When we use min-max scaling, resulting values will be expressed on a scale between zero and one.

Standard Scaling

An alternative, more rigorous, scaling approach mean-centers the data and normalizes by the standard deviation:

scaled_df = df.copy()
scaled_df.index = df["timestamp"]
scaled_df.drop(columns=["timestamp"], inplace=True)

# standardization / normalization
scaled_df = (scaled_df - scaled_df.mean()) / scaled_df.std()

px.line(scaled_df, y=["cpi", "fed", "spy", "gld"],
        title="Financial indicators over time (standard/z-score scaled)"

When we use standard scaling, resulting values will be expressed on a scale which is centered around zero.

Now that we have scaled the data, we can more easily compare the movements of all the datasets. Which indicators have been moving up or down at a time when another indicator has been moving up or down. Are there any time periods where we might start to suspect correlation in a positive or negative way?