The pandas-datareader Pacakge


FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) provides a wide range of economic datasets covering various aspects such as national accounts, labor markets, prices, interest rates, exchange rates, and more. Below is a list of some key datasets that you can access from FRED, along with their dataset IDs, which you can use directly in pandas_datareader or through the FRED API.

  1. National Accounts (GDP, Income, and Expenditure)
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP (Quarterly)
    • Real GDP: GDPC1 (Quarterly, Inflation-adjusted)
    • Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE): PCE (Monthly)
    • Government Consumption Expenditures & Investment: GCEC1 (Quarterly)
  2. Employment and Unemployment
    • Civilian Unemployment Rate: UNRATE (Monthly)
    • Civilian Employment-Population Ratio: EMRATIO (Monthly)
    • Nonfarm Payroll Employment: PAYEMS (Monthly)
    • Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance: ICSA (Weekly)
  3. Prices and Inflation
    • Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): CPIAUCSL (Monthly)
    • Producer Price Index (PPI): PPIACO (Monthly)
    • Core CPI (Excluding Food and Energy): CPILFESL (Monthly)
    • Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index: PCEPI (Monthly)
  4. Interest Rates
    • Effective Federal Funds Rate: FEDFUNDS (Daily/Monthly)
    • 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate: DGS10 (Daily/Monthly)
    • 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage Average: MORTGAGE30US (Weekly)
    • Prime Bank Loan Rate: MPRIME (Monthly)
  5. Money, Banking, and Finance
    • M1 Money Stock: M1SL (Monthly)
    • M2 Money Stock: M2SL (Monthly)
    • Commercial Bank Loans: LOANS (Monthly)
    • Bank Prime Loan Rate: MPRIME (Monthly)
  6. Exchange Rates
    • US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate: DEXUSEU (Daily/Monthly)
    • US Dollar to Japanese Yen Exchange Rate: DEXJPUS (Daily/Monthly)
    • US Dollar Index: DTWEXM (Monthly)
  7. Population and Demographics
    • Total Population (Monthly): POPTHM
    • Total Population (Annual): POP
    • Civilian Noninstitutional Population (16 Years and Over): CNP16OV (Monthly)
  8. Housing and Real Estate
    • House Price Index (HPI): CSUSHPINSA (Monthly)
    • New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: HOUST (Monthly)
    • New One-Family Houses Sold: HSN1F (Monthly)
  9. Trade and International Transactions
    • U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: BOPGSTB (Monthly)
    • Current Account Balance: IEABC (Quarterly)
  10. Manufacturing and Industrial Output
  • Industrial Production Index: INDPRO (Monthly)
  • Manufacturing Output: IPMAN (Monthly)
  • Capacity Utilization: TCU (Monthly)
  1. Business and Consumer Sentiment
  • University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index: UMCSENT (Monthly)
  • Consumer Confidence Index: CONCCONF (Monthly)
  1. Corporate Profits
  • Corporate Profits after Tax: CP (Quarterly)
  • Corporate Profits before Tax: A445RC1Q027SBEA (Quarterly)

You can access these datasets directly in Python using the pandas_datareader library, as follows:

from pandas_datareader import get_data_fred

df = get_data_fred('GDP')
2019-10-01 21902.390
2020-01-01 21706.513
2020-04-01 19913.143
2020-07-01 21647.640
2020-10-01 22024.502

Specifying start and end dates, as desired:

from datetime import datetime
from pandas_datareader import get_data_fred

start = datetime(1900, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2023, 1, 1)

df = get_data_fred('GDP', start, end)
1947-01-01 243.164
1947-04-01 245.968
1947-07-01 249.585
1947-10-01 259.745
1948-01-01 265.742